"Let a Christian follow the precepts of his own faith, let a Hindu and Jew follow theirs. If they strive long enough they will ultimately discover God who runs like a seam under the crusts of ritual and form"
Swami Nikhilanandu.
I found this quote on a calendar a couple of years ago, and it's been on my frig ever since. I have a long and sorted spiritual life. Ever since I was young I feel as though I've been searching for God, or rather searching for more of God. In my mind God is incomprehensible and impossible to know in total. Words are too limited to express all God's aspects. Whether God is He, She, The Universal Mind, The Great Spirit, Jehovah, Allah, Athena, Diana, many expressions or one expression, the words are limiting.
I believe there are as many ways to experience the divine as there are individuals on the earth (and maybe beyond). I have experienced God through Jesus, so in that sense I practice Christianity. I also believe in the teachings of Jesus, but I don't accept that he is the only way to obtain salvation. To may people, this means that I'm not a real Christian. I do go to a church and some members might be shocked at some of the things I believe (or don't believe), but I feel as though I worship with them as Jesus said "in spirit and in truth." I don't flaunt my beliefs or try to sway people. I'm entitled to make my own choices as are those around me.
This philosophy has been a long time in coming and the result of a number of difficult life changing experiences. It's been a long time since I let anyone tell me what to believe. But I'm finally getting to the place where it doesn't make me angry when they try. And I'm open to finding truth in whatever form it comes. I must be true to my own conscience. I may not be on the mark, but at least, if there is a judgment day, I won't stand there and say I believed because "the preacher said so!"
God bless and Blessed Be.
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