I recently started a new blog at wordpress.com. The intention was to write about women in history. Most of the women I've researched and read about were in the field of science and math but, they aren't limited to that arena, so the blog is about women in history. However, all the interesting things in science and math aren't limited to women. There are the current issues surrounding climate change and evolution, new advances in genetics and medicine, and of course some very interesting men in science as well.What was I to do with these ideas when I wanted to write about them?
So I decided to start a new blog. The next question was where should I put the blog. You can start free blogs in a number of different places on the web, but the two that I am familiar with are blogger and wordpress. Wordpress has beautiful templates to choose from, is easy to use, and has a wide range of blogs that you can follow on many different topics. This is important because it gives you a community where you can read other peoples blogs, get ideas, follow and hopefully be followed in return.
Blogger.com is also easy to use. In fact, I think it is a little more user-friendly than wordpress, but if you can read the help menus and items, either one should work for you. Wordpress is probably more powerful, with more options, (although I'll have to get beyond the basics to be sure of that.) One thing that is different however, is that you can monetize on blogger and you can't on wordpress.com. As with many bloggers, I dream of the day when my blog is popular and monetizing would actually bring in a little cash. (I'm not sure a blog about math and science even has that potential, but I can hope.)
I decided to use blogger.com. I already had a blog on blogger that I had started several years ago and never maintained, so I went to my dashboard and tried to start a new one. It should have been very easy, I clicked on "new blog", chose my name, address, and template, and waited. Nothing happened. I did it again, nothing, And again, still nothing. What's up with this? I do have a wireless internet connection and an old computer which sometimes freezes or takes too long to load, but I could refresh and go to other sites. I thought about seeking help from support, but I'm impatient. Finally, I decided to take a new approach. I would just transform my old, unmaintained blog!
It was easy! I just changed my name, description, and address and here I am, my "new" blog, about science and math. I'm not sure if I'll leave the old posts or not. I'll give it some thought. But in the meantime, I think I'll go hunt for what's happening in the world of science.
But one more thing - what will I do with my review of the book I'm currently reading, Lincoln by David Herbert Donald. Hmmm - another blog?
By the way, if you're interested, my blog about women in history is Saints, Sister, and Sluts at wordpress.com. Just click the link. Thanks for reading.
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